Plus Hat Day .... Night
Oct 07, 2020
Guest Speaker - John Egan from Aust Rotary Health
Plus Hat Day .... Night

You can help Australian Rotary Health's to Lift the Lid on Mental Illness by wearing a hat on Hat Day event during Mental Health Month in October.  In fact, why not wear a hat everyday in October?

What is Australian Rotary Health?

Australian Rotary Health is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia.

ARH also provide funding into a broad range of general health areas; provide scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Australian Rotary Health provides funding into areas of health that do not readily attract funding, and promotes findings to the community.

Australian Rotary Health is a project of the Rotary Districts of Australia and is supported by Rotary Clubs.  ARH has a broad vision to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians.

100% of the money raised during this year's Hat Day campaign goes directly to research helping the one in five Australians affected by depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and many other illnesses.

You can help by wearing a hat to our meeting on 7
October; the fee is $5 per hat; and the penalty is $10 if you don’t wear a hat!!. Either way, Australian Rotary Health and Mental Welfare wins.

Please make your direct payment into our operating account:  Rotary Belconnen 062-907 10350249

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