There are some exciting changes happening at Trash and Treasure.  The T&T Committee is implementing an on-line booking and payment system for stall holders.  All stallholders were given a flyer at last weeks market advising them of the coming changes and the initial reaction was very positive.  Introduction of the new system will be done gradually.

The system is called Market Wurks and comes out of Whistler in British Colombia, Canada.  Check out their website and take a tour through the videos.

Benefits to stall holders include:

  • Online booking and payment up to 4weeks ahead
  • Certainty of the which sites they will have
  • Each stallholders profile will be published on a new Trash and Treasure market website including pictures of their wares
  • The profiles and offerings will be seachable by visitors to the market
Benefits for our Club:
  • Less onerous shifts as the the collection task will gradually phase out
  • The T&T Market manager will be able to allocate traders to sites using an app rather that manually
  • Banking, apart from the donations buckets, will not be required.
Linda and the T@T Team