DG Michael Moore formally hands over the role of
District Governor to DGE Leo Farrelly - 26 June 2021
at Young Services Club
Fred Fawke presented with an
Outstanding Service Award
Belconnen Rotary Club becomes
"The Home of the District Governor"
Congratulations to Leo and Elaine as you embark on this challenging year.
District 9705 Board, Area Governors and Operations Team Leaders
DG Michael Moore formally handed over the role of District Governor to DGE Leo Farrelly on Saturday evening (26 June) although the official end of his responsibility doesn't occur until the 30th of June. At a function attended by Rotarians from across the District, and held at the Young Services Club, DG Michael reflected on the past year and its many challenges as we have worked through the restrictions of COVID and its impact on our activities. He went on to acknowledge the efforts of many Rotarians across the District and presented various levels of awards to these individuals, not the least of whom was our own Fred Fawke (surprise!, surprise!). Michael reflected on Fred's unerring efforts with the aid of his "team" and the clubs of the District.in recycling so much "unwanted" gear and equipment to where it was most in need. An acknowledgement well deserved Fred.
The Rotarian of the Year was presented to PDG Steve Hill (a former member of Rotary Belconnen) for his continuing commitment to the merger of the previous Districts 9700/9710. The Club extends our congratulations to Steve.
DG Michael then had great pleasure in handing over the "reins of office" to DGE Leo - a role that Leo accepts with great enthusiasm for the future of our District. Leo went on to expand on the continuing challenges for us and Rotary as a whole and then introduced his expansive team to assist him and us throughout the ensuing year.
One of the "formal" responsibilities of the evening was the handing over of a banner proclaiming our Club as "The Home of the District Governor" (photo attached) by President Desmond Woods from the Rotary Club of Canberra to PP Peter Kain (representing incoming President Wayne Goodman). In accepting the banner Peter reflected on the proud history of DGs from our Club (5 as DG to this District in its various guises and a total of 12 members who have gone on to be or have been DG while not a member of our Club).
Congratulations to Leo and Elaine as you embark on this challenging year. Be assured of our support in your endeavours.