Club Finances
Since the last report to members in the Bulletin, at the Club level, it has been largely uneventful. Joker Poker as a meeting fundraiser is going well. The existing run of draws will end on 30
September. Members will soon be invited to purchase tickets for 11 draws to 16 December.
Project Finances
The Market and the Crace property are both ticking over and there are no apparent issues of
concern. The Market is vulnerable to new COVID restrictions being placed on it. Provided there are
no major adverse COVID events, the Market will continue to the financial driver for the Club and will
enable us to support our key budgeted programs.
To give you an idea as to how COVID has impacted the market, comparing the first 11 markets
of 2019/20 years to the first 11 markets of the 2020/21 year, the situation can be summarised:
2019/20 | 2020/21 | Difference | |
Gate Donations | $9,431.50 | $8,769.20 | $662.30 |
Stall Holder fees (net of GST) | $23,498.44 | $16,018.19 | $7,480.25 |
Subtotal | $32,929.94 | $24,787.39 | $8,142.55 |
less | |||
Assisting Club (net of GST) | $3,081.86 | $1,425.44 | $1,656.42 |
Cleaning Club (net of GST | $2,181.82 | 0 | $2,181.82 |
Other costs (net of GST) | $100.14 | $600.82 | -$500.68 |
Subtotal | $5,363.82 | $2,026.26 | $3,337.56 |
Surplus | $27,560.62 | $22,761.13 | $4,799.49 |
Our revenue fell by $8,142.55 and while our net surplus fell by only $4,799.49 that was totally due to not paying other clubs for several weeks. With an assisting club and a cleaning club now being needed, our net surplus is likely to remain less than that of last year. Historically, as the weather warms up and we approach Christmas, we get very good markets. With the spacing of stallholders that COVID requires us to do, I am expecting our markets to be good, but not as good as previous years.
Since the last report to members in the Bulletin, key expenditures have been:
$750.00 Florey Primary for privacy screens
$2500.00 Save Gibigitinal Island for 5 toilets
$777.80 St Monica’s School for games
$367.61 Hawker Primary for a chicken run
$44.02 timber for shelving at Roundabout
$893.15 transport of roofing material as part of the bushfire projects
$439.40 various costs associated with RRR DIK