A small group, a quarter of the Club’s membership, volunteered at the start of June to remove an overgrown Kiwi Fruit vine from the school vegetable garden so students can resume learning about the magic of gardening; the vine has become severely overgrown and had taken over the whole plot.
A small group, a quarter of the Club’s membership, volunteered at the start of June to remove an overgrown Kiwi Fruit vine from the school vegetable garden so students can resume learning about the magic of gardening; the vine has become severely overgrown and had taken over the whole plot.
Ilisa Philpott, Social worker at the Charnwood Primary School, sought the assistance of the BRC to sort out the garden and remove the overburden. Our group of stout gardeners were Wayne Jeffs, (thanks for the serious garden tools), Rod Gardiner, Bob Greeney (trailer), Peter Kain and Robert Cruickshank.
Together, after three hours, they had removed the overgrown vine and the two trees it had hidden for some time. We have never seen so much Kiwi Fruit; it was amazing, but the fruit was not ripe and was so bitter it might have been good for making beer, but little else. Ilisa will convert some of the fruit to compost for the students.
Two very full trailer loads of vine, fruit and trees were removed to the green recycling centre in Parkwood. Ilisa and her two children assisted and provided morning tea and coffee for the workers.
Thank you to all of the workers; a very good local community project; hopefully we will see more of this kind of activity in the future.