The following is from George Weston, Youth Co-Ordinator D9705 (2020-2021)
I just wanted to give you an update regarding COVID-19 and the effects on all of our D9705 Youth Programs for this Rotary 2020/2021.
At our recent D9705 Operation Committee meeting conducted by Zoom on the 6th September 2020 and a previous Zoom meeting with all the 12 District Youth Program Chairs for D9705 on 31st August 2020. I regret to inform you that we had to come to a decision on this current Rotary year Youth Programs.
To help you with your goals and funds allocations I have listed below all the District Youth Programs and their current status and the next possible time that their program will be held.
• YOUTH EXCHANGE- Suspended for this current year (Contact Chair Rob Uhl 0418459049)
• RYLA- To be held next Rotary Year 2021/2022 in January 2022 (Chair Lydall Dalley 0418861612)
• RYPEN-to be held next Rotary Year 2021/2022 in November 2022(Chair Darren Wallace 0409120108)
• RYDA- Individual Club decisions (Chair Bruer Chiswell 0407224876)
• ROTARACT- Individual Club decision (C0-Chair Clare Lawlor 0468372773, Janine Linklater 0404065857)