Service in Our Club
Club Service is the "engine room" of every club. It encompasses a myriad of different roles, all of which in their own way contribute to the operation and functioning of the club. This will vary from club to club and moreso these days with the ongoing evolution of what were originally a standard sort of sit down evening dinner meeting. This progressed to clubs meeting at lunch time, then to breakfast as well. In more recent years, e-clubs have emerged, meeting electronically for regular meetings whilst periodically gathering for social activities.
Some of the roles and functions mostly handled by Club Service include:
- arranging and managing meetings;
- attendance officer, for logistical purposes such as seating and catering;
- organising the club's calendar of events and guest speakers (though other committees/members might arrange the speaker, the Program Co-Ordinator arranges the schedule);
- bulletins, mostly weekly;
- club history;
- liaison with our meeting venue and caterers;
- web site;
- social events.
The list evolves over time too. So, you see, a lot happens behind the scenes.