Club Board of Directors 

Wayne Jeffs
Bob Greeney
Rob Hennessey
Vice President
Wayne Jeffs
President Elect
  Immediate Past President Rod Gardiner
Director Club Services
Vice President (ex officio)
Director Projects
Rod Gardiner
Director Revenue
Tony Trumble

The Club Board usually meets on the second Thursday evening of the each month at a Board member's home. 
Club Committee Chairs
Asst Dir Community Service
Mary Cruickshank
Asst Dir Youth Service
Katy Lees
Asst Dir Vocational Service
Dennis Puniard
Membership Chair Bob Greeney


Club Roles & Support
Anne Vella
Mary Cruickshank
Attendance Officer
John Wickett
Program Coordinator
Dennis Puniard
Protection Officer
Audrey Wells
Indigenous Projects
Wayne Jeffs
Public Officer
Len Glare
John Sheldrick
National Gallery Liasion
Dennis Puniard
Web Master
Monika Ash