$30,000 to provide over 375 Christmas hampers to the community |
Rotary Belconnen provides $1,500 to ArtSound for the Young Virtuoso Awards |
Volunteers needed to support 2024 Christmas hamper packing
Trash and Treasure Market celebrates 50 years |
Rotary Belconnen provides $2,000 to support girls to play cricket in Belconnen |
Rotary Belconnen donates 'Welcome to Country' artwork to Ngunnawal Centre at the University of Canberra![]() As part of the connection that the Rotary Club of Belconnen has with the University of Canberra, we have donated the 'Welcome to Country' artwork that can be found outside the Ngunnawal Centre on Pantowara Street on the university campus.
Rotary Belconnen provides $42,000 to fund research into causes of Parkinson’s disease![]() To celebrate 50 years of service, the Belconnen Rotary Club sought a significant community project, and, after much consideration, Past President Rod Gardiner proposed a partnership with Australian Rotary Health (ARH) to fund a medical research scholarship.
Granddads cut the Vines at Charnwood Primary School![]() A small group, a quarter of the Club’s membership, volunteered at the start of June to remove an overgrown Kiwi Fruit vine from the school vegetable garden so students can resume learning about the magic of gardening; the vine has become severely overgrown and had taken over the whole plot. |
Operation Cleft updateFollowing on from our presentation from Rosemary Castle; she has sought the responses to some questions she was unable to answer on the night. Are children/ families well accepted back in their communities following surgery? Yes they are very well accepted and the social outlook towards the family changes very positively. In a way, the family becomes a change maker as many people in Bangladesh believe that cleft issues cannot be fixed until they see the evidence of successful surgery. Has the program been affected by Bangladeshi politics? Despite political turmoil in Bangladesh (although things are more stable since the last election), political issues have never impacted our surgeries. Does religion play a part in which children are selected for surgery? Patients are selected irrespective of religion, caste or social group. |
Market Update 19 OctoberThe Market will continue in its reduced format for the coming Sunday (24th) but will return to its normal operation on Sunday the 31st October. The Market Roster published earlier this year will resume. All members are expected to fill their roster or to source their own replacement. If medical issues related to the pandemic preclude you filling your roster please contact Peter Oldham ASAP. Masks and Check in will still be required and enforced. Bookings will be essential. No walk-up vendors will be allowed. |
Passos DinnerThank you meal delivered on Fri 24th Sept
Youth Protection UpdateAs Club Protection Officer, District 9705 and Rotary International, Kylie-Anne wants to make sure you are aware of the latest youth protection resources.
Rotary’s Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotary members, their partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people with whom they come into contact and protect them from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse (RCOP 2.120.1.) |
Upcoming weeks - Sept 22 & 29Our meetings on the 29th September will be a Fun evening so keep reading and get into the spirit of things. 22nd - as the end of two of our sporting codes are close to their Grand finals; we will have a sporting theme. - dress in your fave team or sporting hero - come prepared to talk about your costume (for a minute or 2) - who will be the Quiz Master (can we get Shawn back so soon)? - will there be a prize or 2? 29th - this would normally be a partners' night where we could head off to a restaurant. But we are in lockdown so zoom it is. - the theme will be 'what important thing have you done during 2021'? - it is a maximum of 5 minutes each (to allow everyone a go) - if you have a photo or 2 you would like to speak about please send to Kylie-Anne at who will set as a presentation for the evening.
Statement from the Governor General on AfghanistanThe Governor-General has shared this statement and message to the nation on Afghanistan. GG Statement
The DG ChallengeThe wine for being the first Club to be 100% fully vaccinated was won by the Rotary Club of Ginninderra
And the winners are...The past two weeks have seen us attending online meetings due to the ACT's COVID stay at home restrictions. To keep us all engaged we have has the 'best dressed' competitions. The first (18th August) was to come dressed formally for DG Leo's official visit. With two clear winners - Judy in a beautiful scarf and Secretary Peter sporting a tie. Both received a bottle of wine. Peter is seen in the photo being presented his bottle by DG Leo at our recently-reduced produce market. ![]() The meeting held on the 25th August was our Business meeting. The theme 'what you wear before heading off to bed' saw a few of the ladies wearing formal attire - the winter dressing gown. Joint winners were Sergeant Annie with her shower cap and Program Co-ordinator Kylie-Anne with a full face mask and zuccini rounds for her eyes. They shared a box of chocolates that were divided appropriately.
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C'mon Aussie C'monLets "Aussie it up" for our meeting on September 1st. We need a boost and to celebrate our fantastic Para Olympians tonight's dress code is green and gold or 'the Aussie Flag' colours. And if you know how to change your background - go wild with the Aussie theme.
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Meeting attire this weekThis week would normally be a fun evening. We try to relax, have a bit of fun. With this in mind, the competition for this week is to dress in the clothing you would before you go to bed. This can be your favourite dressing gown or 'casual chic' but remember - NO nudity. Slippers always welcome; along with your favourite 'tipple' before you retire for the evening. Chocolates for the winner.
DG Visit 18 August 2021Last weeks meeting was equally important for several reasons. 1. We went back into lockdown and had our first zoom meeting since February. ![]() |
August and September meetingsOur meetings on the 18th and 25th August and the start of September will be held via zoom... here is the link Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +61370182005,,85326489069#,, |
COVID Lockdown 12-19 August - T&T Market SuspendedThe operation of the T&T Market has been suspended during the current COVID lockdown period. 12-19 August 2021. Market management is awaiting further advice from ACT Government on the status of the fruit and vegetable traders as an essential service and further advice will be posted once their situation has been clarified. If you have any further queries please email or leave a message on 0492 990 025. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation at this time. Trash and Treasure Market Jamison
Know your new District HousekeepingLast year, with the combining of former districts 9700 & 9710, a member from our rotary club thought it wold be a great idea to learn about the clubs of our new District - 9705. Thank you to all who have been briefing our members on the clubs in our District. It is great to hear what they are doing in their area. We ask those that are compiling the information to email it to Kylie-Anne to include in the Bulletin. Please add your name so you can take the credit.
August is Membership Month![]() |
Know your District - Molong Rotary ClubMolong Rotary Club inaugurated 1969 and currently has 11 members. They meet at 7:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at the RSL Services Club. Last year Molong club, together with North Sydney Sunrise Rotary Club, raised $18,000. These funds were mainly shared between 2 local schools for children to go on excursions. During the year, Sydney Sunrise and Molong met socially in Wagga Wagga; enjoying each others company and rotary experiences. The Molong club's main project this year is 'Self-guided tours around Molong's old buildings and district'. The club applied for a local government grant and were successful. This funding financed the printing of 3 self-guided pamphlets.
The Spaghetti Marshmallow ChallengeOur fun evening on the 28th July had the added company of South Australian Greg Casson from the Rotary Club of Goolwa. ![]() Kylie-Anne arranged a fun evening of teams having to build the highest tower using spaghetti and marshmallows. In teams of 3, we saw Wayne, Bob and Len heading off at an almighty pace - getting to their second level within a few minutes. But then they stalled. ![]() Team Rod, John and Dennis decided they needed a 'working group' to set up a sub committee to create a strategic plan prior to commencement. Carol feeling she would be there all night asked the kitchen staff to supply a meal (for sustenance). We hear the team may still be in attendance working through their creation. P ![]() ![]() The next fun night will be the fourth meeting in September. Suggestions to Kylie-Anne please.
From the desk of the RI President
An Egyptian AdventureDear fellow Rotarians, |
Club Meeting 21 JulySTOP PRESS. STOP PRESS The gods of lock-down and other random events have now enabled us to have our Zoom hybrid meeting as previously planned. Our meeting this Wednesday is a business meeting where President Wayne has requested each group advise what they are doing this year. Unfortunately, it looks like we will not have zoom dial in available again this week. So, you'll need to come in person to present and hear what the club is up to.
From our President WayneHaving celebrated RCB’s 50th year it is now time to focus on the first year of the next 50. I recommend that we focus on the following themes: Our neighbourhood, our District, our Country, the broader regions of our world and finally, our ongoing support to Rotary International. All our Projects must continue to focus on having an impact on the community, change the current environment for the better and save lives in the long term. |
End of year social meetingThe final meeting for the 2020-21 year was a fun evening. Commencing with a meal and then hosted by incoming President Wayne, we had a few announcements. Then Kylie-Anne shepherded the group to the main part of the club to enjoy the fun of playing Corn Hole. We were hosted by 'Larry' who taught us the rules... - teams of two, one each end - taking it in turns to throw the bags at the corn hole board - the aim is to get the bag into the hole for 3 points or at least on the board for 1 point - the team with the most points deducts the losing team's points; which is the score. First team to 21 wins Team Leo and Len were the overall winners, beating our visitors Hannah and Mark Vardy. Hannah was one of our NYSF students this year and Mark is here father. Hannah and her Dad took the chocolates on the evening, with Leo and Len receiving their prize at the upcoming meeting.
DG 9705 Changeover
DG Michael Moore formally hands over the role of
Fred Fawke presented with an
Belconnen Rotary Club becomes
Congratulations to Leo and Elaine as you embark on this challenging year.
2020-21 Annual ReportAt the Changeover held 23 June 2021, outgoing President Dylan presented the club's achievements during his year. The annual report can be found here documents/en-ca/91804b56-046b-4366-a554-8efb660a9953/1
Fun evening 30 June 2021Our last meeting for the 2020-21 year is a fun night, as it should be. We have had our Changeover so Dylan and Wayne can let their collective hair down. Come along to the Clubhouse, enjoy a meal, listen to a short chat from our incoming president and then the party starts. President Wayne wishes to commence his reign with fun, fun, fun. And giggles. We are going to learn to play the game of Cornhole. Yes - Cornhole. They are at The Clubhouse on Wednesday nights so lets see who our "champion" is. How competitive are you? Who do you want in your team? There will be prizes (Kylie-Anne still has a stash from last time we collected items - if you have any ex Christmas or birthday gifts you have no use for, please pass them across).
Meeting 2 JuneOur meeting on the 2 June will be a social night due to a few key absences. The Assembly will move out to next week. Come along and enjoy a meal and the company of your fellow Rotarians. Leo asks that you bring your laptop and/or tablet to do some testing of the Market software.
2021 ANZAC presentationTo celebrate ANZAC Day in 2021, we had 5 members present different areas. Please find their photos here documents/en-ca/0fa79fc9-09da-42b1-9e5f-acceede8ba4e/1
Grind to Ground presentationDuring March the club had a presentation on a new project being run out of CIT. Please find the presentation here documents/en-ca/1f73e4a9-89f2-4b15-a360-ba704bb68674/1
Tenth Royce Abbey Peace OrationAt this year's District 9705 Conference in Bathurst, the Tenth Royce Abbey Peace Oration was presented by Adjunct Professor John Skerritt. Please find it here documents/en-ca/f58ff39a-cf25-4fe5-ae62-dd1c0f76b1b7/1
Changes at Trash and TreasureThere are some exciting changes happening at Trash and Treasure. The T&T Committee is implementing an on-line booking and payment system for stall holders. All stallholders were given a flyer at last weeks market advising them of the coming changes and the initial reaction was very positive. Introduction of the new system will be done gradually. The system is called Market Wurks and comes out of Whistler in British Colombia, Canada. Check out their website and take a tour through the videos. Benefits to stall holders include:
Benefits for our Club:
Linda and the T@T Team
RRR - a multicultural service activity
Annie, together with her husband Josiah and family members and friends, assisted loading of 2x40 shipping containers with the beds donated by ACT Health, Jindalee Nursing Home, Aruma and members of the community. Aruma is a community disabled care service which has previously donated three electric wheelchairs that have gone to Lagos through our Nigerian contact in Queanbeyan. Others involved during the during the day included Rod Gardiner, Gordon Calcino and Brian Kilday, as well as Brian Goldstraw, Bill Wattam, Kyle and Harry Fawke. As we understand it, the Zubah family are Liberian refugees made up of Annie, her mother, and her husband Josiah along with one girl and four boys; two of whom assisted our container packing exercise. Fred understands that the family left Liberia for their family safety during major civil unrest and the Ebola outbreak. After arrival in Australia Annie was a member of Rotary in Adelaide and later Canberra Club. The parents returned to Liberia and have acquired property for the express purpose of creating a community for Ebola orphans. On return to Australia Annie, who volunteers at St Andrew’s in Hughes, found her club had changed its meeting date and time which precluded her from continuing her membership.
Letter from Josephine Church - UC Scholarship RecipientTo the Rotary Club of Belconnen, I was the recipient of your scholarship to the University of Canberra in 2018. I have been meaning to write to you for some time and update you on what I have achieved thanks to your support. I graduated from UC in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts. My majors were in International Studies, History and French and my minor in Creative Writing. Your scholarship allowed me to focus on my studies and ultimately, I graduated with a GPA of 6.2 (above distinction) and received a Dean's Award for Excellence in my final semester. Your scholarship also gave my self-confidence an enormous boost, and for that, I am very grateful. Upon completion of my studies, I spent a year as a Community Support Worker both 1-on-1 and in a group home in the Belconnen area. It was a great challenge but also an enormous privilege to be an essential worker throughout the pandemic and lockdown. Providing care to the most vulnerable of society at a time when they were alone and isolated was difficult but tremendously fulfilling. During my time in this role, I developed a love for healthcare. I enjoyed caring for others and had the opportunity to assist my clients through hospitalizations and rehabilitation. Before long, I had decided that healthcare was where I wanted to be. Mid-last year, I commenced my Master of Occupational Therapy at the University of Canberra. (I know you will be interested to hear that! I remember you telling me about your work supplying medical equipment and assistive devices to those in need. Prescribing these items is one of our key roles as occupational therapists.) In January, I completed my first placement at a regional NSW hospital which was challenging but inspiring. I am now mid-way through my second semester and looking forward to another placement during June-July this year. So there you have a quick update from one of your grateful scholarship recipients! I hope you are all well and the Rotary Club of Belconnen is continuing to make a real impact both in our local community and across the world. Kind regards, Josephine Church Master of Occupational Therapy Student University of Canberra |
Aussie Peace Walk 2021 - Completed![]() ![]() ![]() Leo and Linda completed the Marathon in the Aussie Peace Walk last weekend. Overall we did two 42km walks and three 21-24km walks. The event has raised over $20,000 for the Give Every Child a Future project, a Rotary 100 Project. Many Clubs supported the event by manning checkpoints and marshalling the participants. Maybe next year RC Belconnen could help as well?
RAAF CentenaryHistory of the Royal Australian Air Force |
Invitation to 50th Anniversary Celebrations |
Vincent goes home! Thanks ROMAC![]() This link is to a beautiful story on the ABC about the great work ROMAC has done in facilitating the treatment and care of Vincent Toto who finally went back home after 16months in Canberra and many life saving operations. Special appreciation goes to Rotarian Sandra Goldstraw who hosted and cared for Vincent and his Mum during their whole time in Canberra. |
Weekend re-connect with CanberraAs part of our members re-connecting with Canberra our idea is to have social events where we can enjoy some of Canberra's offerings. We hope you and your family (or even another Rotarian from another club) will come along and enjoy a few hours away from the house. The idea is to come along - grab a cuppa, lunch or refreshment from the local café (yes, it supports the locals) and enjoy the view or take a tour. Just get out (safely) and re-connecting with our great city. Starting this Saturday (31 October) at the Telstra Tower and then the National Museum of Australia, where will we go? Hope to see you there. |
RRR facilitation extends to Lightning RidgeRotary facilitation and cooperation at its finest. This exercise involves multiple Clubs cooperating to get the donations to the recipient. Fred, from RC Belconnen, left this morning on a Rotary Relay to deliver medical equipment to Lightning Ridge. The equipment has been donated and will support needy people in the Lightning Ridge indigenous community. The trailer load of equipment is delivered to Cowra and collected by Chris Finkle from RC Forbes. Chis then relays it to Dubbo from where the RC Lightning Ridge will collect it and deliver it to the people to whom it has been donated in Lightning Ridge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Meanwhile, the RRR team in Canberra is continuing with the collection of used roofing iron being supplied to fire affected farmers and orchardists in the Snowy Valley and other areas. ![]() ![]() =======================================================
Youth Services Update 1 October 2020The following update was received recently from PDG George Weston, District 9705 Youth At our recent D9705 Operation Committee meeting conducted by Zoom on the 6 th September 2020 and a previous Zoom meeting with all the 12 District Youth Program Chairs for D9705 on 31st August 2020. I regret to inform you that we had to come to a decision on this current Rotary year Youth Programs. I have sent a previous email informing you that RYPEN will not be held in this current Rotary year (2020/2021). To help you with your goals and funds allocations I have listed below all the District Youth Programs and their current status and the next possible time that their program will be held. ROTARACT - Individual Club decision (C0-Chair Clare Lawlor 0468372773, Janine Linklater 0404065857) PDG GEORGE WESTON (Carol) PP PHF |
Shepherd Centre paintingA Community Project - Painting the walls at The Shepherd Centre, Rivett A small motley group of Belconnen Rotary members met at the Shepherd Centre armed with dropsheets, rollers, brushes and ladders all keen to get on with the job at hand. A number of rooms within the centre were in desperate need of a facelift! Pairing off, they mixed and poured paint, applied masking tape and draped the furniture and carpets. The paint splashed and squelched as the rollers were dipped in and slid across the avocado green walls and doors. By lunchtime, the first coats had been applied and were awaiting their seconds . =================================================== |
Youth Program Cancellations due to COVID 19The following is from George Weston, Youth Co-Ordinator D9705 (2020-2021) I just wanted to give you an update regarding COVID-19 and the effects on all of our D9705 Youth Programs for this Rotary 2020/2021. At our recent D9705 Operation Committee meeting conducted by Zoom on the 6th September 2020 and a previous Zoom meeting with all the 12 District Youth Program Chairs for D9705 on 31st August 2020. I regret to inform you that we had to come to a decision on this current Rotary year Youth Programs. To help you with your goals and funds allocations I have listed below all the District Youth Programs and their current status and the next possible time that their program will be held. • YOUTH EXCHANGE- Suspended for this current year (Contact Chair Rob Uhl 0418459049) • RYLA- To be held next Rotary Year 2021/2022 in January 2022 (Chair Lydall Dalley 0418861612) • RYPEN-to be held next Rotary Year 2021/2022 in November 2022(Chair Darren Wallace 0409120108) • RYDA- Individual Club decisions (Chair Bruer Chiswell 0407224876) • ROTARACT- Individual Club decision (C0-Chair Clare Lawlor 0468372773, Janine Linklater 0404065857) |
From the Treasurer - Finances to Mid-SeptemberClub Finances Since the last report to members in the Bulletin, at the Club level, it has been largely uneventful. Joker Poker as a meeting fundraiser is going well. The existing run of draws will end on 30 Project Finances To give you an idea as to how COVID has impacted the market, comparing the first 11 markets
Our revenue fell by $8,142.55 and while our net surplus fell by only $4,799.49 that was totally due to not paying other clubs for several weeks. With an assisting club and a cleaning club now being needed, our net surplus is likely to remain less than that of last year. Historically, as the weather warms up and we approach Christmas, we get very good markets. With the spacing of stallholders that COVID requires us to do, I am expecting our markets to be good, but not as good as previous years. Since the last report to members in the Bulletin, key expenditures have been: ===================================== |
Public RelationsHow do I promote my Club’s project? Do any members have skills or experience in PR to help with our 50th Anniversary project? Queue here in front of Leo Including a public relations component in your project plan will help ensure your club’s projects and events get the attention and support they deserve. The following ideas can help you create a successful campaign. Know your local media More ideas for promoting Rotary There are many ways to promote Rotary. You can hold a special event, start a Facebook page, or place a billboard ad. |
Beirut Calling!
New look, new name for Rotary's magazineIn September, you will see some exciting changes to Rotary's flagship magazine. After nearly 110 years, The Rotarian is now called Rotary, a name that recognizes the breadth of the organization’s membership — especially the Rotaractors who represent Rotary’s future. In addition, the name change supports the organization’s strategic goal of growing awareness of Rotary and strengthening our global brand. And as Rotary,the organization’s flagship publication better aligns with the 33 regional magazines published around the world. Our redesign didn’t stop at the cover. Inside, we’ve rethought everything with the goal of better reflecting Rotary’s energy and diversity. We worked hard to incorporate the old and new elements into an overall design that enlivens the reading experience and engages as it informs. You will notice more call-outs and more numbers; more charts, graphs, and infographics. Last fall, when The Rotarian talked with Holger Knaack, we wondered what Rotary might anticipate from his presidency. “Expect something different,” he replied. In the months and years ahead, expect exactly that fromRotary: something different — and yet, in the quality of the writing, in our focus on the great achievements of Rotarians and their clubs, and in our celebration of the values that have sustained Rotary since 1905, something entirely the same. |
Centurion ClubPDG Ian Tooke, District 9705 Centurion Program Co-Ordinator, The Rotary Foundation ph: 02 6368 2574 mobile: 0409 590 547. email: ========================================= |
Charnwood-Dunlop Probus Club
The Charnwood-Dunlop Probus club was sponsored of the Belconnen Rotary Club on 21st November 2019, under the auspices of then Rotary Club President John Mercer. The initial meeting was attended by Rotarians Len Glare and Bob Greeney representing Rotary. At its first interest meeting, the 15 people attending, under the guidance of Joshua Stojanovic of Probus South Pacific Limited, expressed the intention to proceed with chartering the new club immediately. And so at very short notice the “interest meeting” became the “Foundation Meeting”. The foundation meeting established the Constitution and Rules for the new Probus Club, appointed key officers, and after much discussion settled on a name which recognised the region from which its members are drawn. The new club was named the Charnwood-Dunlop Probus Club. As the sponsors of the new Probus Club it was agreed that members of the Belconnen Rotary Club would be welcome to visit the Probus Club. The Probus Club is now well established, meeting at 10 am on the third Thursday of each month. Meetings typically include morning tea and a guest speaker or a business session. Social visits are arranged between club meetings. Since Foundation, the club has grown to 28 members, with 12 more expressing interest. Rotarians may be interested in helping the members of the Probus Club celebrate their first anniversary, COVID-19 permitting, at the club’s 19th November 2020 meeting. The Charnwood-Dunlop Probus Club meets at St Bsarnabas’ Anglican Church in the Charnwood shopping precinct, at 10 am. Opposite end from Woolworth supermarket. Bob Greeney, 21st August 2020 |
Wear yellow to this week's meetingMembers will remember that we recently had a presentation from Sandra Turner, Cancer Council ACT where she advised Daffodil Day is on Friday 28 August. Let’s remember their good work by wearing something Yellow at our meeting on Wednesday 26th. ![]() |
MEMBERSHIP NEWS – 19th AUGUSTWe have started the year with strong gains in membership, Applications have been received from four new members; we welcome John Wickett, Saba Khan, Matthew Thomas and Jon Stanhope. A fifth potential new member, Aidan Gordon who attended last week, has asked for information about the Belconnen Rotary Club, and hopefully he will complete his application in the near future. If anyone knows of a friend or colleague who is interested in Rotary, bring them along so they can see how our club works. On Wednesday, 26th August, our program will look at membership, “Introducing New Members”. It will take the form of a discussion with three members, each with different experience in the Belconnen Rotary Club, covering membership of many years, a few years and a member who joined recently. Hopefully, the discussion will lead to members participating in the discussion. If you haven’t yet taken the opportunity to look at Rotary’s international website, log into MyRotary at Once you get to the Home Page, click on MyRotary and register, or log in. There you will find a range of information from news items about clubs all over the world, what they do to attract new members, how they retain existing members (often more important) and the sorts of projects they undertake in their regions, to training sessions tailored to suit new members. The sessions are “bite size” and varied; you’ll almost certainly find something of interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to answer those questions. Bob Greeney |
From RRRRRR Operations (Recover, Rehabilitate, Reuse) International Project - Sri Lanka ![]() Rotarian Ravi Ravidiran sought help to provide temporary storage of a donated 80kva generator prior to transfer to Sri Lanka. Our Nigerian contact is preparing the site to facilitate this request. Fred ============================================== Dental Equipment from Rotary Australia. 2015 Project delivered in 2020 courtesy of Del Coles of Runway Bay Rotary Club (Gold Coast) and Frederick Fawke of the Rotary Club of Belconnen (Canberra) and the Hon. PMJM and Lady Marape. Not forgetting Canberra Endodontics, Dr Stephen Dahlstrom Pictures myself, Australian High Commissioner, Senior Marape (PM's Father), and Maggie) ============================================== Mobility Aids to Nigeria Medical Aids Recovery Projects Another transfer of mobility aids to Nigeria. September 2020 ============================================== |
Vocational Service Awards 2020 - NOTE DATE CHANGENominations for Vocational Excellence Awards may be made at the District and the Club level. Nomination Guidelines - adapted from the D9705 website 1. Nominations will be accepted from Rotary Clubs in District 9705. 2. Nominees may be Rotarians but where a Rotarian and a non-Rotarian are ranked equal by the selection panel, priority will be given to the non-Rotarian. 3. A nominee must be either an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia. 4. Nominees should preferably reside and/or carry out their vocation within the boundaries of District 9705 5. It needs to be shown that a nominee has a commitment to high ethical standards and a record of outstanding direct achievement in their chosen vocation which has been to the advancement of that vocation and the nation. 6. Excellence in Community Service does not come under the conditions of this Award. Vocational Excellence must be evident in the direct activity and /or contribution by the individual or individuals nominated and not merely occur within an organisation managed by the individual. 7. The Committee, may at its discretion, determine not to make an award in a year if it feels that the standard of the nominees would lower the prestige of the Award. Nomination Form (click here) Please adhere to the following criteria to enable your nominee to be assessed by the Vocational Committee on an equal footing with other candidates.
Email or post a copy of the completed form to the club secretary attention Vocational Chair
Presentation 21st October. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE The awardee will receive an engraved plaque at a club meeting on 21st October (Vocational month) ========================================== |
From the Treasurer - Finances to Mid-AugustClub Finances At the Club level, it has been largely uneventful. All members have either paid their 6-membership fee or are paying monthly as per our practice. Joker Poker as a meeting fundraiser is going well. We have paid our District 9705 dues and our Rotary International dues for the July to December period. At some point, we will be billed for the Rotary Down Under dues, but this has been allowed for in our budget planning. The only ‘unusual’ expenditure was to assist the family of our late member, John van Waterschoot when they came to Canberra for his funeral and to wind up his affairs. Project Finances The Market and the Crace property are both ticking over and there are no apparent issues of concern. The Market is vulnerable to new COVID restrictions being placed on it. Provided there are no major adverse COVID events, the Market will continue to the financial driver for the Club and will enable us to support our key budgeted programs. The key expenditures that we have made to date are: $5000.00 Rotary Foundation General Fund $5000.00 Rotary Foundation Polio Plus $5000.00 Australian Rotary Health Fund $ 500.00 D9705 Children’s Emergency Fund $1031.77 Bushfire projects $6382.56 Recover Rehab Reuse /Distributions in Kind $750.00 St Michael’s Kaleen for a reading program ===================================== |
WHY ARE DIGITAL NATIVES FINDING ONLINE WORK SO UNNATURAL?Is it harder to get a young person to join a virtual meeting? An interesting article by Michael McQueen Working from home has certainly been far from bliss for many of us. Attempting to do our office work within the clutter and distraction of home, navigating complex online modes of engagement and doing so within the stress of such an uncertain time has made this new work form challenging. However, for the generation we thought would do best with it, given their demand for flexible working hours, their technological competence and their love for independence, working in isolation has proved even more difficult. Interestingly, more than any other generation Gen Z and Millennials are reporting feeling disconnected from their work and teams and hindered in their productivity. For a generation of digital natives who depend on the virtual world for relational connection and work productivity, this statistic is surprising. It is especially surprising when you compare responses from Millennials to those of Gen X and Baby Boomers. |
RIPN Jennifer JonesBy Ryan Hyland ![]() Jennifer E. Jones, of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2022-23.
Jennifer E. Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, has been nominated to become Rotary International’s president for 2022-23, a groundbreaking selection that will make her the first woman to hold that office in the organization’s 115-year history. Jones will officially become president-nominee on 1 October if no other candidates challenge her. Jones says she sees Rotary’s Action Plan as a catalyst for increasing Rotary’s impact. “As we reflect upon our new strategic priorities, we could have never envisioned that our ability to adapt would become our North Star during what is inarguably the most profound time in recent history,” Jones said in her vision statement. “Silver linings rise out of the most challenging circumstances. Using metric-driven goals, I will harness this historic landscape to innovate, educate, and communicate opportunities that reflect today’s reality.” As the first woman to be nominated to be president, Jones understands how important it is to follow through on Rotary’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement. “I believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion … begins at the top and for us to realize growth in female membership and members under the age of forty — these demographics need to see their own reflection in leadership,” Jones said. “I will champion double-digit growth in both categories while never losing sight of our entire family.” |
Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG)
Michael McQueen speaks at 9705 membership webinarWidely recognised public speaker Michael McQueen was the sole presenter at a webinar organised by the District 9705 Membership Committee Co- Chairs Mary Brell and Judy Ford. It was an excellent presentation and can be viewed by clicking on the photo of Michael on your right or clicking here. |
Environment–Our New Area of Focus!
The decision to add this new cause was approved unanimously in June, both by the Trustees and the RI Board |
JvW "But what if I hadn't tried?"JvW "But what if I hadn't tried?"The Club was well represented on Monday at JvW's today. It was a cold and bleak day and the funeral was late i ![]() We learned of John's early years at school where his enrolment in the local public school was denied on account of his disability. The nuns at the local convent school accepted him and he was an A grade student from the start. At 8 years of age John started at St Lawrence's College in South Brisbane and again was an A grade student right through to matriculation. He couldn't play regular sport so he took up chess, became school champion and then State Champion. ![]() John has left his entire estate to the College to provide ongoing schooling opportunities for Special Needs students. John wasn't concerned at failing, his attitude was "But what if I hadn't tried?" He was an active Scout Leader, RYPEN and RYLA counsellor and motivational speaker, GSE team member, adventurer, and IT guru. Well known for his attention to the minutest detail in anything he took on John was truly "A gift to the world." |
COVID19 Update @ 19 June 2020Refer to website Home Page or our Facebook Page for up to date information. During the COVID-19 restrictions it is necessary for intending stallholders to book a site as distancing requirements have limited the number of sites available for use. Each site is defined as a single marked car-parking space; multiple sites may be occupied. Bookings must be made by email to If the link does not work for you copy the email address and paste it into your email under "To". Alternatively, telephone 0492 990 025 and leave a message. While the market commences at 7am, stallholders are encouraged to attend by 6am as safe vehicle movement through the market area during busy times can be difficult. Because of significant safety issues caused by vehicles through the market, particularly on busy days, vehicles entering the market area must do so before 7am on the day of the market. Vendors wishing to move their vehicle out of the market area before 12 noon must do so only with a Rotary volunteer escorting them. The maximum speed in the market at all times is 5kph and pedestrians always have right of way. |
Rotary ACT Emergency Services Community Awards![]() The Rotary ACT Emergency Services Community Awards are an initiative of the Rotary Clubs of ACT. In keeping with Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self”, the Awards acknowledge and celebrate the selfless Community Service of ACT Emergency Services Personnel while supporting two important Rotary initiatives: (1) Australian Rotary Health, PhD Research Scholarship investigating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Emergency Services Personnel (2) Emergency Preparedness Vocational Training Teams in a developing country in the Asia Pacific Nominees must be appointed as paid or unpaid (volunteer) members of one of the ACT Emergency Services who perform Community Service above and beyond the call of their normal duties. The Awards Have Two Major Winners: • ACT Emergency Service Officer of the Year Serving in a Volunteer capacity • ACT Emergency Service Officer of the Year Serving in a Paid capacity Nominations are open at |
We Need You |
Trash & Treasure Market OutlookEven though we have had variable weather the smoke haze persists. The T&T market will be running each week and the Rotary operators will monitor the situation closely. It is your decision as a trader or a patron to make your own assessment about attending the market, particularly if you are sensitive to pollutants. If the pollution gets really bad the operators may close the market for that day. This decision will be made as early as possible but probably on the Sunday morning. Stay safe and look after your health. ![]() Updated: 16:00 on 16-Jan-2020
Drought Relief AppealBy DGE Philip Archer, D9800 We are working with Great Northern Brewing Co. and Bendigo Bank to ensure that we continue the appeal over November and December and re-start the appeal in the middle of January with strong social media and hopefully Channel 9’s help. As Rotary, we are looking to encourage our Clubs to have their first meetings in January as a fundraiser with the local Great Northern Brewing venue and Bendigo Bank Branch as a joint fund raiser.
I have ongoing discussions with Channel 9 and have requested further support in the coming weeks to promote the 2019 Rotary Drought Appeal and for them to join us again in kick starting the program in January. We have also requested that once we have a reasonable total, that they promote the program again just before Christmas encouraging donations from the public. Channel 9 have also indicated that they have a corporate sponsor who is considering a sizeable donation. I appreciate the support from all our friends at Channel 9, Bendigo Bank and Great Northern Brewing Co. and look forward to working with them over the coming days to implement practical ideas that we have brainstormed including an approach to Australian businesses for their support. |
Narrabundah College Interact Club Assists ...![]() NTA East Indonesia Aid would like to thank the Interact Club of Narrabundah College for their recent very generous donation of $1,000. This is in addition to their $2,000 donation in 2017-18. This was donated through the Rotary Club of Belconnen RAWCS project - the Rotary Small Grants (East Indonesia) Project, which raises support from various Rotary associated Clubs in District 9710. This is a very significant amount for a school group to raise and demonstrates a lot of hard work and commitment. This donation has significantly improved the lives of a number of people. Key achievements 2018-19 ($1000 donated)
Rotary Fellowship: Whiskey D.R.A.M.The traditional nature of ‘fellowship’ is often acknowledged in Rotary clubs and one way this is often extended more widely throughout the Rotary world is through Rotary Fellowships. The Whiskey D.R.A.M Fellowship is one of these, commencing in 2015 for Rotarian's with an appreciation of Whiskey (Whisky). This fellowship was officially sanctioned in August of 2016 by Rotary International, having over 350 members in 29 countries. The fellowship supports the charitable arm of Rotary with monetary giving to 'clean water initiatives'.In Christchurch, just up the road from |
The Meccano Project Continues To Grow![]() ![]() Congratulations to Bob Greeney! On Wednesday October 24, 2018, a special presentation was made as part of the Children’s Week Awards. Bob Greeney received recognition as an Exceptional Older Person, who has shown outstanding commitment and generosity to the development of children. Bob is the key figure in our team who recruits, trains and support the volunteers in the Meccano program. He is also a long serving committee member and is currently the Vice President. Over the many years of his involvement, Bob has supported and encouraged hundreds of our mentors, working to increase the fine motor skills and confidence of students through their work on Meccano projects.
Recover, Re-habilitate, Re-UseTamil Association Canberra ![]() |
Canberra Rotaract Trivia OutcomeIn Support of The Shepherd Centre ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Australian Rotary HealthThrough the financial support of Rotary Clubs, Australian Rotary Health has been able to fund successful research to help people live full and productive lives. The current emphasis on Mental Health research is to help the 20% of Australians who will face a Mental Health issue at some time during their lives. People in our Emergency Services, people we work with, people in our Clubs and Communities - our friends. Through research grants your donation can help reduce the stigma these people face every day and importantly help them return to productive work and family life. The following points briefly describing a few of the achievements of medical research in Australia funded by Australian Rotary Health.
Your donation not only helps us get closer to effective mental illness treatment and prevention strategies, but as you approach the end of the Rotary Year you can recognise your Club members; board or Community Members who have made significant contributions in your town. A Certificate and a pin will be sent to the club for each person named a level of Friend and Companions receive a framed certificate and a pin with either a ruby, emerald or diamond chip to recognise their contribution. For example, if your club donates $1,000 to Australian Rotary Health, you may choose to nominate 2 members as a “Bronze Friend”. Contributions are cumulative and the following recognition levels are available: Friends: Friend - $100 Bronze Friend - $500 Silver Friend - $1,000 Platinum - $2,000 Diamond Friend - $2,500 Companions: Companion - $5,000 Gold Companion - $10,000 Ruby Companion - $20,000 Emerald Companion - $50,000 Diamond Companion - $100,000
Making the world a better place is what Rotarians do best, make a donation and become a Friend or Companion today. To help you arrange the donation, please contact the team at Australian Rotary Health office on (02) 8837 1900 or If you would like to know more about how your donations are used or arrange for a Club guest speaker feel free to give the Director for your District Graeme Davies a call on 0416 275 363 or |
Maj Gen Jeffries District Conference 2017-2018![]() |
If you didn't go to District Conference you missed out - big time!
The District Conference held March 24th and 25th was awesome. The District Conference is where we go to learn about the tremendous impact that Rotary has on the lives of people in our communities both here and abroad.
Making a difference.
Rotary's vision is "Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." Rotarians are People of Action! and we must be able, and prepared, to tell our personal stories in our local communities. Membership has to be flexible. Diversity - each club has to reflect the diversity of its local community . What is Belconnen's diversity profile and what is the diversity profile of our club? Rotary Club Central and My Rotary are being updated to better support us as members. Our websites are important to tell our story in our local communities so we - make sure they are up-to-date. Our communities have to understand who we are so meaningful statistics in these tools are important. Please update your data in My Rotary so that the statistical picture is meaningful. Noel Trevaskis, an RI Board member from our District, stressed that new members leave Rotary because in their early years they didn't learn about Rotary, didn't make friends, didn't do community service. He advised that our club has to focus on what we're doing in our community - international is less important. Fund raising is not the focus, only a means to an end. He urged us to publish "why did I become a Rotarian" stories - and tell them with passion and feeling. And we need to continue to change how we operate our clubs. He pointed out that in 15 years time 50% of Rotarians will come from India & SE Asia. In western countries Rotary is in serious trouble. Australian InitiativesRotary Fitness Rotary Fitness is a initiative from District 9710 supporting Australian Rotary Health, spearheaded by City2Surf Legend and Australian Rotary Health Ambassador, Chris Edwards of the Rotary Club of Hall. Have a look at the website Clubs are encouraged to organise Rotary Fitness events that could be just a regular fitness activity for our club members. As a PR exercise focussing on Health + Wellbeing it will give our local communities a completely different picture of Rotary and Rotarians. “Rotary Fitness is as much about physical and mental health as it is about the health of Rotary and well-being of community.” Rotary Fitness' aim is to support Rotary club and community fitness activities and in the process, raise funding for new medical research, scholarships, health education and awareness. Please join us and be one of the first to get involved. The worst that can happen is you’ll get fitter, make new friends and help to improve the lives of thousands as you exercise. Australian Rotary Health ARH is providing $300k pa of funding for research into the mental health of children. ARH concentrating on research to gain better knowledge of the causes of mental health in children and to propose strategies to deal with it. Zone 8 Digital Communications solution. Our Rotary story isn't getting though. Our Club website and FB page are where we have to tell our stories as these are where people look for information in this day and age. Paul Harris said in the 1930s that "this is a changing world; and we must be prepared to change with it." The Zone 8 Digital Communications solution is a platform for consistent branding across autonomous club websites all connected to District. It will provide for a database capability, a membership management capability and an event management capability.
What is Probus? Probus was a community service profit of Rotary International. Probus is an association for retired and semi-retired people. Aim to keep minds active, expand interests, and build community through fun, fellowship, friendship. Probus began in England 1965, NZ in 1974, and Australia in 1976. The 1st Australian club was at Bateman's Bay in 1980. We were encouraged them for volunteers, to help advertise our youth projects, and invite them to join Rotary. Rotary Youth Exchange. Monique went of RYE to Austria. She spoke about the immense value she got from being part of a new small family for a year, not just her host families but also the RYE family. Why go on exchange? To make her own world picture. In Australia you can drive for an hour and perhaps change postcode. In Europe you be in another country, if not two. She learned to be a responsible traveller and developed amazing friendships, especially with her host families. 4 Way Test speaking competition. Phoebe, a year 12 student from Bowral, won the Southland Highlands Four Way Test speaking competition competition this year and her topic was that "Politicians don't utilize an ethical framework to guide their decisions" as it is ethical principles that underpin decency. In particular she questioned whether holding Australia Day on the 26 January would stand up to the Four Way test. To summarise her points:
Her conclusion was that the decision to hold Australia Day on the 26th January fails the Four Way test and as such should reconsidered. PCYC Formerly known a Police Boys Club, PCYC is an 80 year old partnership between Rotary and the Police established in 1937 by Rotary and Commissioner William Mackay to counter gangs roaming Wooloomooloo. PCYC now has 110,000 members but only a small proportion are children at risk. The objective is to instil in kids from all backgrounds value of respect, commitment, resilience, integrity and citizenship. They operate across NSW and are very conscious of their relationship with Rotary. PCYC people are encouraged to join their local Rotary Club and Rotarians to become actively involved in there PCYC club. International InitiativesAIDS orphanage Kwazulu Natal. Libby Weir has been working in this very poor community for 15 years. There is 75% unemployment and it is an AIDS epicentre. There are 96 in the orphanage. There are many child-led families dependent mostly on the charity of their neighbours. On her first assignment she was to help establish a preschool in a neighbouring valley - in a commercial abattoir. Her work has developed to build housing, vegetable gardens, sewing clothes. This helps lift the people out of poverty. Local schools have class sizes 60-80!. She has helped build libraries in schools and provided the children with school shoes, She established a village soccer team to build community spirit. She has established woodworking and welding courses for men and women but receives no government support. School holiday programs and emergency food parcels help support the child headed households. Five months has turned into15 years simply because the job needed doing and she was there. Papua New Guinea, refugees, and Limpopo South Africa. Sr Dane Inglis has had 50 years of contact with Rotary since joining Australian Volunteers Abroad 1968 - sponsored by Rotary. In 1972, now a nun, she returned returned to PNG and walked in a mission school supported by QLD rotarians. By 1987 she was in Europe working with refugees headed for Italy, and ran a soup kitchen in the basement of the Baroque church of Jesu. She monitored the war in Liberia and reported to government and other agencies on refugee issue. In Dakar she worked on program of Africans helping Africans. From 2001 to 2009 she was in South Africa working with an AIDS team in Limpopo . Rotary helped establish and refurbish an old school. In 2009 she moved to Senegal building an infants school in Burkina Faso with more help from Canberra Rotary. A truly remarkable women who now lives in a convent the Southern Highland she highlighted how Rotary helps people like her working on the front line of poverty and disease in some of the most disadvantaged places on earth. Rotarians Against Malaria. Steve and Dorene Carroll gave a most entertaining address on how they became passionate about RAM. The story starts with Steven some old Army mates from the Vietnam War days deciding to do something about the huge numbers of land mines still scattered over Laos. Having trained locals to do the mine clearance they turned their attention to establishing schools and water and sanitation projects in local villages. Malaria was a constant threat and kills 725,000 per year. To put that in perspective, the atom bombs dropped on Japan killed 80,000. In WW2 Japan lost 160,000 to malaria.There are 2,500 species of mosquito but Plasmodium Falaiparom is the killer parasite. Death occurs in 24 hrs if no antidote is given. P v........ is the more common parasite but doesn't kill, at least not a quickly. They helped develop the Healthy Villages Program that works on the removal of stagnant water and also provides anti malarial nets and test kits. To put all this in perspective Steve and Dorene lost they 19 year old daughter to malaria after she contacted the disease in Malaysia. They are using this intently personal motivation to vigorously promote RAM and are great advocate for the project. Tanzania. St Jude school. Seb Cox is a UC Rotaractor who got involved in this RAWCS project. St Judes was established in 2003 - and now has 1300 students. He was asked to go to Tanzania to help set up an Interact club in St Jude's. On subsequent trips he has established an Earlyact club in St Jude's primary school. Many D9710 clubs have supported the St Jude's project and the results are outstanding. Seb was also an outstanding example of Rotaract and Rotaractors. Rotaractors from the Yass Rotaract Club reported on their Bali project. With no prior skills they built a house and a piggery for a family living in abject poverty in a village in the north of Bali. Included in their team were two RYE exchange students who couldn't believe their good fortune in being involved in such an endeavour. It is truly amazing what a group of teenagers can achieve. Siera Leone - Aminata Conteh-Biger. This was perhaps the most touching, sad and motivational of all the keynote talks. Aminata has now been in Australia for 18 years but in January 1999 she was one of the many girls kidnapped by rebels from their school in Freetown and used as a sex slave for 7 months. She said that the child-soldier rebels were the scariest. Among other dreadful experiences she learned to hide under dead bodies to stay hidden. Her bible a great strength. Released in a truce she got help from the UNHCR and was accepted as a refugee to Australia. She thought she was going to Austria! She told the conference that being a refugee is hard - integration, language, culture all present huge challenges. She started volunteering with UNHCR and has started a foundation to build a maternity hospital and clinics in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone needs lots of doctors and maternal health support. The Ebola epidemic was a setback as lots of ebola was spread through hospitals and people were scared to go for treatment. Fistula is a particular problem. Recommended viewing is the SBS doco "Daughter of Sierra Leone". |
Making a Difference - Bryn StylesThe District Conference held last weekend was awesome. The District Conference is where we go to learn about the tremendous impact that Rotary has on the lives of people in our communities both here and abroad. Making a difference.
Rotary's vision is "Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." Rotarians are People of Action! and we must be able, and prepared, to tell our personal stories in our local communities. Membership has to be flexible. Diversity - each club has to reflect the diversity of its local community . What is Belconnen's diversity profile and what is the diversity profile of our club? |
Trash and Treasure by SachiaTrash and Treasure - A Teenager's Perspective
As a teenage high school student enjoying the much needed holidays before my last term at high school, I did not want to spend my last day of the beloved break working at this Rotary thing my mother kept mentioning. I agreed after my mother told me it would be a new experience and went on about how lazy teenagers are. Which she really didn’t need to point out, us teenagers know we’re lazy, and we’re proud. That Sunday began with my mom waking me up at the ungodly hour of 5:00 am, when the outside world through my window looked dark and desolate. I was in a dazed stupor as we drove there (late of course, because I fell asleep in the shower) and arrived there at 5:45 am. Many Rotarians were already there setting things up, putting up fences and banners and signs for traffic. They were doing this with no complaints and in the cold dark place that was early morning Canberra. I admired these people as I helped my own mother set up some road signs, wondering how they managed it during winter. We kept working until the sun finally decided to poke out it’s sleepy head. I felt relief as the warm rays of sunshine hit, and the world was no longer an old black and white film. People had started to arrive when I had my back turned and were setting up stalls. A group of us stood around the once lonely looking yellow Rotary trailer-that was no longer lonely but still yellow. With the rising sun came people and energy. My eyes were finally open and the tiredness gone. As if in an instant Jamison Plaza car park had been turned into a busy marketplace. Colours of different fruit and fresh flower blossomed around, there were people dropping generous donations into the bucket up the front, and trading goods at the stalls. There were a range of different stalls, from vegetation, to tools, to books, to jewellery, to antiques-this place had it all. Len Glare, Rotary Team Leader, soon sent me off with Peter Kain, another Rotary member, because he wanted me to learn about how Trash and Treasure works. We both went to collect stall money and to make sure everything was in order. As we went around collecting money, I noticed Peter talking to most of the people as if they were all his pals he’s hung out with for years. Then, I found out some of these people had been coming to Trash and Treasure for decades, many before I was born. By the time we were finished, I realized something important. Trash and Treasure wasn’t just a grocery shop like Coles, neither was it just a second hand shop like Salvos. It was a community of people and memories, with lots of hard work. It was like a little community, no, it is a lifestyle. When I left, (after buying a bunch of stuff, including the most amazing Harry Potter necklace, sold by a teenage girl). I came to see that Rotary really did have an impact on the community, even if many people never noticed. Trash and Treasure is more than just a string of shops, it’s a ritual for a family of people who come together to share new experiences and bond with each other. Thank you Rotary Club of Belconnen for this wonderful experience, I am sure to come again. |